Youthful Vitality Restored

November 18, 2010

Youthful Vitality Restored.

It’s true…there are some incredible things happening in the anti-aging arena. You can trust me on this…we can now reset and re-balance our aging genes. Never before has there been such a powerful two prong approach to reversing the signs of aging, from the inside out, restoring that youthful appearance and that lost energy is right at your finger tips.

Check out this short video.

When I was young, my mother instilled in me the importance of feeling good about myself.  She certainly knew the value of building one’s self-esteem and helping me build confidence in what I do. She stressed the importance of quality grooming each day, she made sure I showered or bathed and took care of the basics, and she also taught me the importance of wearing clean clothes…properly pressed…even if I was wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. She once told me that if I liked what I saw in the mirror…things would go better for me that day…that little comment stuck…even today, if I feel I look good it really bolsters my self-esteem and builds the confidence within myself. One of the key ingredients for success is having a good self-image of who you are!

As you can see, my desire for aging gracefully started at a very young age. I’m almost 60 years old, and yet I’ve been told by many that I look much younger. I’m grateful for the compliments…it makes me feel good when I hear them. My goal for many years has been to live life as young as I can for as long as I can. Now with that being said, I’m grateful many say that I look younger than my age, I certainly feel younger, and I strive to live younger every day of my life.

Throughout my life, I’ve recognized the value of consistent exercise, eating the right foods, having a positive mental attitude, and making good health choices. If you really want to live younger, feel younger, and look younger…you need to be aware of what’s going on in your life and be open to those things around you that can make a difference. Most of us know that eating right, getting daily exercise, and getting proper rest are essentials to a healthy and youthful lifestyle. However, most people are so close-minded that they don’t give a second thought to scientific discoveries that are changing the way we age. Most people’s skepticism keeps them from discovering new breakthroughs in science that aid us in being and feeling more youthful.

Are you one of the masses that just brush off what could be the greatest discovery since man landed on the moon? If you are, that’s your choice, but if you’re open-minded and curious, I’d like to share with you perhaps the greatest discovery in years for regaining and retaining your youthful appearance and that lost vitality you once enjoyed. Top scientists have discovered ways to reset and re-balance our aging genes, both internally and externally, changing the way we age forever. Please visit for more information on these breakthrough aging discoveries.

Ever since its introduction, a “new science” has created a unique competitive advantage for a well established anti-aging company. By working to discover the genetic secrets of aging, this companies scientist have gained key insights that will continue to allow them to develop anti-aging products that address aging at its source.


Now let me share with you why they believe they can truly dominate the anti-aging industry with this new science. It comes down to what they call the “six-A advantage” – six exclusive areas where they enjoy a competitive advantage.


First A: Aging Gene Databank


The first A refers to their gene knowledge of the aging process and how genes affect aging. They call this their Aging Gene Databank.  With their exclusive scientific partners, they have access to a proprietary aging gene library that shows them how to look for age-related genes. This library took years to create and gives them a huge head start on the competition. This alone is sufficient to prevent competitors from copying this new science any time soon.


Second A: Assets

The second A is representative of their “intellectual Assets”.  At this time, there are at least 14 patents or patent-pending applications to protect their new science assets. Such assets create a barrier to entry to competitors and they expect to file even more patents in the coming months. With this growing protection, this new science will become even more powerful in the future.


Third A: Academic All-Stars

This new science will continue to grow and create major breakthroughs because of their assembled team of Academic All Stars. From the founders of LifeGen Technology, to professors from leading universities, combined with their own global Scientific Advisory Board, they have truly captured the best minds in aging research. This pool of world-class scientific and academic talent represents the future of this new science.


Forth A:  Algorithm

The fourth A refers to this new science’s Algorithm. This may be a difficult word to understand so I’ll try and give you an explanation. The reason Google dominates the Internet search business is because they have a special algorithm that allows them to search the Internet quickly and accurately. That is how they dominate in their industry.


Similarly, this company has developed a biological algorithm that provides a roadmap for how they look at the aging process. With this algorithm, they can more accurately identify age-related genes, categorize them into youth gene clusters, and target and reset them to a more youthful pattern. That’s why this new science is so exciting to all their scientists and why they believe they will dominate the anti-aging industry.


Fifth A: Aging Response Modulators

The fifth advantage is particularly meaningful. Through their unique new scientific approach, they have created an entirely new category of anti-aging products – they call them Aging Response Modulators or ARMs for short.

In essence, this new scientific understanding is enabling them to develop products that promote youthfulness – in essence; they’re rebalancing genetic activity to a more youthful pattern. That’s why ARMs is such a powerful term, and why it’s going to accommodate everything that they are working to develop through this new scientific approach to product development.


Sixth A: Array of Scientific Expertise

Finally, they pay tribute to their scientists with the sixth A. They have an array of scientific expertise that allows them to be known as a world class science-based company. To dominate the anti-aging industry, they can’t afford to rely on just one type of scientist – you need an array of experts from different fields of study to understand the holistic approach to anti-aging. Their internal scientific team and members of their Scientific Advisory Board have expertise in areas like pharmacology, cell biology, nutrition, chemistry, dermatology, and many more. They have a whole group of scientists coming together and collaborating to help them truly make superior anti-aging products.


These six advantages give this company a real edge in the anti-aging industry. They are addressing the aging process internally with supplements and externally with topical applications…both reset and rebalance our aging genes to a more youthful state.

If you’d like to know more about the aging process and what we can do to reverse it or too slow it down, please visit

From the instant we come to this earth our chronological clock starts to tick…every second, every minute, every hour, of every day, we age in a way that not one of us can do anything about. Our chronological aging is as automatic as the sun coming up in the morning and until our physical bodies are laid to rest there is nothing anyone can do to change the process. So why sweat the small stuff…we get older with each tick…nothing we can do about it.

During the early stages of life our bodies are growing, forming, developing, full of life, full of energy…no wonder we feel invincible as teenagers. It’s been proven that our bodies continue in this developing phase well into our 20’s at which time our physical bodies start a transition taking us from continual renewal and development into a state of deterioration or slowly dying which sets our biological aging process in motion.

Both our chronological age and our biological age are very natural processes, however, even though we can do nothing regarding our chronological age there is much we can do regarding our biological aging. With new scientific breakthroughs and modern technology, top scientists in the anti-aging industry have discovered that our bodies have aging genes both internally and externally that affect the way we age. As a result of these new findings they’ve learned that they can reset or re-balance these age related genes to a more youthful state. These breakthroughs are huge in regards to the way we age, gone are the days that we cover up the signs of aging which has been the standard for years…we now address aging at its source…our genes…providing corrective and preventive measures which will change the way we age forever.

Due to age old wisdom and the benefit of new science and modern technology, there are very specific things we can do to retain our youthful appearance and state of mind. Below are 7 Keys for promoting a more youthful you:

1)      Start Early: Don’t wait until you’re old and wrinkled to start taking care of your body. The once inevitable signs of aging creep up on you. In your 20’s and 30’s most of us don’t even think twice about aging and how the long term will be affected. Take it from me; it happens much quicker than you think.

2)      Drink adequate water every single day…most people are walking around dehydrated which is a common cause of dryer skin and raging wrinkles.

3)      Use common sense with your diet! Increase your intake of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables were put on this earth for the benefit of man. Yes, the convenience of fast foods is a killer when it comes to your health and your youthful appearance. The sage old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a good thing to remember.

4)      Get your sleep…a healthy, vibrant body needs adequate sleep on a regular basis. Our body needs to re-energize and can only do it with proper sleep habits. You need to get a regular dose of 7-8 hours per night. Not possible…re-think your health barometer. Make it happen.

5)      Exercise your body on a regular basis. The most important thing in regards to exercising your body is consistency. If you consistently walk, jog, ride a bike, skateboard, surf, work out at the club, walk when you golf, etc. etc. etc. you’ll receive a great benefit from your efforts. As a minimum, you should get in 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. Get er done!

6)      Keep your mind active…challenge yourself by learning new things, push yourself to new heights, keep the cobwebs cleaned out by constantly using perhaps the most incredible organ in our body, the brain. Feed your mind and soul with uplifting and motivating material.

7)      Take advantage of all the new information and modern technology that is available in today’s world. New science is making it possible to reset and re-balance our aging genes, both internally and externally. These new breakthroughs are changing the aging world as we know it today. The benefits of these new discoveries are a more youthful appearance, a re-energized body, and a clear focused mind.

When we mix the sage wisdom of those who have gone before us with new science and modern technology there is no way of knowing the total impact one can create. It’s pretty amazing when you consider the idea that one can totally transform their life and live it healthy and strong right up until it’s time to leave this earth. We may not be able to do anything about our chronological age, but with new science and modern technologies we can change and improve the way we age biologically. Wouldn’t you like to know what is out there to help you regain and retain your youthfulness?

If you’d like to know more about the aging process and what we can do to reverse it or too slow it down, please visit

Aging Gracefully has been a goal and mission of mine for many years. I’ve always felt being  physically active and getting regular  exercise  was an important component of that goal.  Darin Steen wrote this blog about exercising and why so many people are wasting their time working out. I like what he said so much that I thought I’d pass it on to you…remember, in your quest for a more youthful appearance you need to make an effort to take care of that incredible body. Hope you enjoy this article.

Personal Trainer Says: Most People are Wasting Their Time Working Out

Posted by: Darin Steen | October 05 2010 | 109,260 views

Ok, so you are fed up with the extra pounds you’re carrying around and you are on a mission to lose weight. Perhaps you’re working out with weights, jogging, and you’re even cutting out desserts. You’re drinking less soda and more water. You have totally dedicated yourself to a more fit, better “you”.

And yet, when you get on the scale three weeks into your new lifestyle, the scale has barely budged. You get discouraged and stop exercising consistently. Before you know it, you’ve reverted back to your old habits again.

Sound familiar?

This is an all too common story…

What I have witnessed from over 18,000 personal training sessions over the last 8 years, is that most people are wasting their time when they work out. They’re simply not exercising effectively to reap optimal results.

The four most common mistakes I see people make are:

1.      Using the least effective type of exercise: regular cardio

2.      Too much cardio and not enough resistance training

3.      Doing too many sets per exercise

4.      Lifting a weight too fast

Mistake # 1 – Using the Least Effective Type of Regular Cardio

It’s not easy to leave old habits behind and start doing things differently, like eating according to your Nutritional Type and exercising multiple times per week.

Exercising is one of the best things that you can do for your health. Sadly, more than half of American adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise. One out of four people in the U.S. don’t even exercise at all.

Lack of time is the most common reason why people say they don’t exercise. But I have great news for you – you might never use this excuse again!

If you walk into any gym, you’ll see most people crowding the aerobics equipment and using the treadmill or elliptical machine for an hour or so. But a growing body of research suggests that you can perform a significantly SHORTER workout, at a greater intensity, and get BETTER results than the usual, time-consuming training routines.

So let me introduce you to Dr. Mercola’s comprehensive exercise program, Peak Fitness Technique, and its key component, Peak 8 exercises.

How to Perform Peak 8 Exercises

The term Peak 8 exercises refer to exercises that are done one to three times a week in which you raise your heart rate up to, or beyond, your calculated maximum heart rate (220-your age) for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a 90-second recovery period.

Dr. Mercola recommends using a recumbent bicycle for the Peak 8 exercise, but you can also use an elliptical machine, a treadmill, or run outdoors. However, unless you’re an athlete, we advise against sprinting outdoors the first time you try the Peak 8 exercise due to the potential risk of injury.

Here’s a summary of how to do it:

1.      Like any other exercise, warm up for three to five minutes.

2.      After warming up, go all out, as hard as you can, for 30 seconds.

3.      Recover for 90 seconds.

4.      Start with two or three repetitions but work your way up to seven more times for a total of eight repetitions.

5.      Cool down for a few minutes afterwards by cutting down your intensity by 50 to 80 percent.

The key element is to reach maximum intensity. To properly perform the exercise, you need to get very close to, if not exceed, your calculated maximum heart rate (MHR) by the last interval.

Everyone’s MHR is different and is determined by age, physical activity level, as well as any medical conditions which may be present. Your maximum heart rate is a measure of the upper limit of work that your cardiovascular system can handle. A simple and quick way to estimate your MHR is to take 220 minus your age.

When executing Peak 8, which is a very vigorous exercise, you will want to strive to work out to at least 70 to 80% of that MHR, and hopefully reach your MHR for the last few repetitions.

Keep in mind you’ll need a heart rate monitor because it is nearly impossible to accurately measure your heart rate manually when it is above 150. And there’s a huge difference between a heart rate of 170 and 174, or 160 and 164 if you are over 50.

Once you reach your maximum heart rate, you may feel a bit nauseous and light headed and, of course, VERY short of breath. But your body will recover quite rapidly and in about 30-60 seconds, you will start to feel much better.

The first repetition is usually pretty easy as your starting heart rate is low and you can do the entire 30 seconds without much physical stress.

Unless you work out regularly, you will likely need to work your way up to eight cycles, hence the term Peak 8. You can start with two to four and gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Ideally, you should get to eight cycles because the benefits really start to kick in around repetitions seven and eight.

Since the recovery time is only 90 seconds, your heart rate gradually continues to climb after every repetition. Hopefully, by the time you finish your last repetition, it is at or above your MHR.

Remember to cool down for a few minutes after your 8th repetition. When you’re done, you will feel tired, but more than likely you will feel great!

If you have a history of heart disease or other health concerns, please get clearance from your health care professional before starting a Peak 8 exercise session. Most people of average fitness will be able to do the Peak 8 exercise, however; it is only a matter of how long it will take you to build up to the full eight reps.

The Outstanding Health Benefits of Peak 8 Exercises

Peak 8 exercises will save you a tremendous amount of time because you’ll be able to cut your hour- or longer cardio workout down to a total of 20 minutes or so, and that’s including your warm-up, recovery time, and cool down.

The actual sprinting portion of the exercises only takes four minutes!

Once you regularly do Peak 8 exercises about twice a week and are following well-rounded workout routine, incorporating stretching, core work and strength training, along with consuming the right fuel for your body, you’ll notice that you have:

  • Lower body fat
  • Improved muscle tone
  • Firmer skin and less wrinkles
  • Have more energy and sexual desire
  • Enhanced athletic speed and performance
  • Achieved your fitness goals much faster

Peak 8 exercises may also help fight the signs of aging by naturally stimulating the release of human growth hormone (HGH), which is KEY for strength, health, and longevity. The higher your levels of HGH, the healthier and stronger you’re going to be.

However, as you reach your 30s, you enter a phase called somatopause, wherein your HGH levels start decreasing dramatically. This is part of what drives the aging process. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and don’t exercise, your HGH levels will drop even further.

Thankfully, peak fitness exercises can naturally raise your growth hormone levels.

How does this type of exercise achieve this?

Well, you have three different types of muscle fibers: slow, fast, and super-fast. Most people, including many athletes such as marathon runners, only train using their slow muscle fibers, which is what you do when you do traditional aerobic cardio and strength training. This has the unfortunate effect of causing the super-fast fibers to decrease.

Performing high-intensity burst cardio like Peak 8 exercises, however, engages your super-fast or white muscle fibers, which are 10 times faster than slow fibers.

Engaging your super-fast muscle fibers is the key to producing HGH!

The longer your body produces high levels of HGH, the longer you can preserve robust health and strength.

If you do Peak Fitness workouts twice a week and eat according to your nutritional type (Dr. Mercola now offers the entire online nutritional typing test for free!), then you will naturally increase your production of growth hormone.

Mistake # 2 — Too Much Cardio and Not Enough Resistance Training

The second mistake that the majority of people make with their workout is again related to their choice of conventional, hour-long cardio. About 70 percent of gym members typically use cardio machines while 30 percent (or less) lift weights.

This is understandable, considering that it is easier to walk on a treadmill than pick to up dumbbells and barbells, and do the exercises correctly. Many people are intimidated by lifting weights, so they stick to what is most comfortable and familiar: cardio.

It’s important to realize that cardio can help you lose fat – especially the high intensity Peak 8 type cardio — but cannot change your body shape.

For example, if you start out with a pear shaped body, you will still be pear shaped after losing weight through cardio.

On the other hand, when your fitness / fat loss program is well-rounded with Peak 8, resistance training, conventional cardio, and core exercises along with a sound nutrition program, you have the ability to actually sculpt your physique.

You can increase the size of smaller body parts, and reduce larger body parts.

Plus, when you build muscle with weight lifting, you become stronger, burn more calories 24 hours per day, build bone density, and give yourself a much better chance at aging gracefully.

Mistake #3 – Too Many Sets per Exercise

Most people believe that they need to do 4 or 5 sets of weight lifting per exercise. This is simply not true. All you need is 2 or 3 sets at most.

One of the main keys to stimulating your body to lose fat and gain muscle through lifting is “intensity”. It is very important that the last three repetitions of your sets are very intense. They should be the ones you never thought you could do.

These last few intense reps, done safely, are the only ones that will cause enough micro tears in your muscles to force your body to repair them, now slightly bigger and stronger.

When you know that you only are going to do two sets, it is easier to gear up and pick up the intensity to a higher level. So make your weight lifting workout short, but intense – like your cardio!

Sixty minutes is plenty long enough, as long as you have a specific plan, and only rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Mistake # 4 — Lifting the Weight Too Fast

Many people think that the more weight they lift and the more repetitions they perform the better. We call it the “how much do you bench” mentality. When you have this mindset, you tend to just throw the weight around with reckless abandon. Worse, with this mindset, a lot of the tension of the weights goes to your bones, ligaments, joints, and tendons.

This can easily lead to an injury.

Your goal should be to make a light weight feel heavy by making slow, controlled movements. This way you have the ability to squeeze the target muscle during the contraction.

Try using a 3-1-3 tempo on your lifts.

That is a 3 second positive, a 1 second isometric squeeze in the contracted position, and then a 3 second negative. You may have to lessen your weights, but I promise you that you will increase your ability to focus on the intended muscle groups.

In general, perform two sets of three different exercises per body part.

If you work out with the proper intensity, you only need to exercise each body part once per week. Two to three one-hour workouts of resistance training per week is all that is needed to entice your body to gain muscle and lose fat.

Working out longer or more often per week will not make you reach your goals faster.

Remember, your body does not increase muscle mass while you work out. You are actually tearing the muscles down during exercise.

Your body mass increases while your body is at rest.

The Importance of a Well-Rounded Exercise Program

To truly optimize your overall health; from shedding excess pounds and gaining muscle, to improving your posture, physique, strength and agility, to increasing your HGH levels naturally, to living a longer healthier life, we recommend you fashion a well-rounded exercise program that incorporate all of the following five types of exercises:

1.      Peak 8 anaerobic exercises. For even more information about Peak 8 (including the personal testimonial with before and after photos) and how to maximize your HGH production, please see this link.

2.      Aerobic exercises: Jogging, using an elliptical machine, and walking fast are all examples of aerobic exercise. Although standard aerobic exercises can’t compete with Peak 8 exercises for promoting growth hormone or fat burning, simply getting your heart pumping will improve blood flow and increase the release of endorphins, which act as natural pain killers.

Aerobic exercises will also activate your immune system, and help increase your stamina over time, both of which are important for optimal health.

3.      Strength Training: Remember, as I explained above, you only need 1 to 3 sets, maintaining slow, controlled movements while focusing on squeezing your target muscle, and upping the intensity on your last three repetitions of each set.

4.      Core Exercises: Your body has 29 core muscles located mostly in your back, abdomen and pelvis. This group of muscles provides the foundation for movement throughout your entire body, and strengthening them can help protect and support your back, make your spine and body less prone to injury and help you gain greater balance and stability.

Exercise programs like Pilates and yoga are great options for strengthening your core muscles, as are specific core exercises you can learn from a personal trainer.

5.      Stretching: Active isolated stretches (AIS) developed by Aaron Mattes, is one very effective option. With AIS, you hold each stretch for only two seconds, which works with your body’s natural physiological makeup to improve circulation and increase the elasticity of muscle joints. This technique also allows your body to repair itself and prepare for daily activity.

Recently, I was visiting with an elderly friend of mine that is in his mid 80’s. He’s currently being challenged with the ravages of age. His body is starting to shut down, his vision is starting to slip, he needs help getting from one room to another, he’s needing to depend on others when he’s been so independent throughout his life. He doesn’t like what is happening to his body…however, his mind remains pretty sharp. During our visit he remarked that “one needs to be pretty tough to get old” and I couldn’t agree with that statement more…when one’s health starts to deteriorate, you’ve got to be pretty tough to endure some of the circumstances and challenges you’re faced with. The second thing he said was simple and yet very profound, he said “Knowing what I know now, I sure wish I would have taken better care of my body when I was younger”. Now that my friend is sage wisdom at it’s best!

We don’t have to wait until we’re old and wrinkled to start caring for our bodies…there are many things we can do to help retain a more healthy and youthful state of mind and body. No matter what our age at this point, there are steps we can take that will enable us to live a healthy, strong, and vibrant life. It’s never too late to start making good choices and taking advantage of the latest information, new science, and modern technology that’s available in today’s world.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live your life to its fullest with good health, a good mind, being active and vibrant right up until it’s time to die? Well, this is possible but not without effort on our part.

Due to age old wisdom and the benefit of new science and modern technology, there are very specific things we can be doing to retain our youthful appearance and state of mind. Below are some great secrets for promoting a more youthful you:

1)      Start Early: Don’t wait until you’re old and wrinkled to start taking care of your body. The once inevitable signs of aging creep up on you. In your 20’s and 30’s most of us don’t even think twice about aging and how the long term will be affected. Take it from me; it happens much quicker than you think.

2)      Drink adequate water every single day…most people are walking around dehydrated which is a common cause of dryer skin and raging wrinkles.

3)      Use common sense with your diet! Increase your intake of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables were put on this earth for the benefit of man. Yes, the convenience of fast foods is a killer when it comes to your health and your youthful appearance. The sage old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a good thing to remember.

4)      Get your sleep…a healthy, vibrant body needs adequate sleep on a regular basis. Our body needs to re-energize and can only do it with proper sleep habits. You need to get a regular dose of 7-8 hours per night. Not possible…re-think your health barometer. Make it happen.

5)      Exercise your body on a regular basis. The most important thing in regards to exercising your body is consistency. If you consistently walk, jog, ride a bike, skateboard, surf, work out at the club, walk when you golf, etc. etc. etc. you’ll receive a great benefit from your efforts. As a minimum, you should get in 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. Get er done!

6)      Keep your mind active…challenge yourself by learning new things, push yourself to new heights, keep the cobwebs cleaned out by constantly using perhaps the most incredible organ in our body, the brain. Feed your mind and soul with uplifting and motivating material.

7)      Take advantage of all the new information and modern technology that is available in today’s world. New science is making it possible to reset and re-balance our aging genes, both internally and externally. These new breakthroughs are changing the aging world as we know it today. The benefits of these new discoveries are a more youthful appearance, a re-energized body, and a clear focused mind.

When we mix the sage wisdom of those who have gone before us with new science and modern technology there is no way of knowing the total impact one can create. It’s pretty amazing when you consider the idea that one can totally transform their life and live it healthy and strong right up until it’s time to leave this earth. We may not be able to do anything about our chronological age, but with new science and modern technologies we can change and improve the way we age biologically. Wouldn’t you like to know what is out there to help you regain and retain your youthfulness?

If you’d like to know more about the aging process and what we can do to reverse it or too slow it down, please visit .

Q. How can a topical solution reset or re-balance our aging genes to a more youthful state?

A. It’s 2010 and you need to understand that due to new science and modern technology there are some pretty significant discoveries being made regarding the aging process and how we will age in the future. Teams of scientists have discovered that there are specific genes that are at the root of aging. They have found groups of genes that affect the aging process and have coined the phrase “Youth Gene Clusters”. They’ve found that these “Youth Gene Clusters” have lost their vibrancy and freshness over time. Through research they found that these genes were still in place, but were covered with gook or dust, so to speak, and had lost their ability to shine as they did in a more youthful state. As a result these dirty genes cause our skin to look and feel much older than what it needs to be. This is the underlying cause of looking and feeling older.

These scientists have formulated a topical solution that actually resets or rebalances these “Youth Gene Clusters” and restores them to what they were like in our twenties. Topical applications clean these genes and help them regain the same youthful vibrancy they enjoyed in their youth. It’s like a light with a dimmer switch, when the dimmer switch is turned down the light is not very bright, that’s what happens when our aging genes collect dust and gook… they loose their vibrancy and start to show the signs of aging. When you turn the dimmer switch up the light gets much brighter….and as we clean these aging genes they become more illuminated and vibrant, bringing back a more youthful appearance. This is a simple explanation of a very complex process, which can all be verified and documented by those involved in the process.

Q. How the proper use of anti-aging supplements can enhance the aging process?

A. Along with these new topical solutions that are changing the way we age… we are seeing the development of new supplements that have really raised the bar in the anti-aging arena. The science behind these new topical solutions that address aging externally is now being utilized to address aging internally. These same scientists are developing supplements that address aging at the gene level and will correct age related vitality loss in three dimensions: Physical, Mental, and Sexual. This is phenomenal stuff we’re talking about here. This new science can identify the ultimate sources of age-related vitality loss, it can target the Youth Gene Cluster related to mitochondrial function…the key driver of youth vitality, and can reset these Youth Gene Cluster’s to promote youthful vitality.  This is for men and women, young and old, who feel like they have lost their capacity to fully engage in the life they envision and want to reset, revive and renew their youthful vitality.

Never before has there been such a two-fold approach to transform the way we age…Scientific innovation allows us to address aging at the source of aging…our genes…both externally and internally. These proprietary processes enable us to set new industry standards in anti-aging, with real solutions that exhibit demonstrable results.

We’re living in a face paced world where things are changing and improving at a very rapid pace. There are new scientific discoveries that are changing the way we age, both internally and externally.  With these new discoveries we can enhance the already proven ways of maintaining healthy vibrant skin.

Most of the time, it takes common sense combined with personal commitment to achieve our goal of having fabulous skin. The following shortcuts, along with these new scientific breakthroughs, will make an amazing difference in your appearance in the next 30-45 days:

1)            Eat your fruits and veggies! A healthy diet is one of the main ingredients for assuring you have healthy vibrant skin. Cut out the soft drinks, heavy desserts, and snacks during the day. If you need a snack, think fruit, nuts, or something else that’s healthy.

2)            Drink more water! Hydration is such an important factor for fresh and soft looking skin. The more consistent you hydrate your body, the more you’ll benefit your skin. Set up a system to drink water on a regular basis.

3)            Get more sleep! Many of us are running on borrowed light and need to consciously get more sleep on a regular basis. Develop a habit of retiring earlier and consistently get 7-8 hours sleep per night. You’ll be amazed with how you look and feel.

4)            Exercise every day! Yes, it takes effort and commitment, but you’ll greatly benefit from a good brisk walk, jog, or taking a bike ride. You need to try and exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day. You’ll look and feel like a new person.

5)            Supplement your nutrition! Find a top rated nutritional supplement and take on a daily basis. In our fast paced world, we don’t always cover the bases regarding the nutrition our body needs. New scientific discoveries are allowing some incredible things to come forth.

6)            Have a positive daily skin care routine! Make sure you’re using a good cleanser, toner, and plenty of quality moisturizers. Seeing that your face is clean and treated properly on a consistent basis will wear well for years to come.

These simple and common sense solutions will assure a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Mix this with the new scientific discoveries that are changing the anti-aging world and you’ll love the new you. For more information about these new discoveries, please visit

As we age, every single one of us is plagued with an increased appearance of fine lines, nasty wrinkles, and that dry sagging skin. No matter how you look at it…..these lines and wrinkles cause us to look older than what we are and actually feel. The nice thing is….we have more control over the aging process than ever before. Let me share 3 tips for getting rid of those wrinkles and regaining your youthful appearance once again.

Tip 1: Be informed! In today’s world, we have more access to new technology and new scientific discoveries than any time in the history of man, and it’s only going to improve from here. There are new discoveries in the anti aging arena being made that truly bring the illusive “Fountain of Youth” much closer to reality than one might think. So believe it or not, you being proactive in your pursuit for a more youthful appearance and doing a little research for your own satisfaction will greatly increase your chance of finding that new product or idea that can literally reverse the signs of aging and change your life forever.

Tip 2: Take the time to thoroughly check out product claims. There has probably been more needless money spent on skin care products that have been hyped and falsely represented than you might ever believe. When was the last time you bought a product just because it sounded or looked like it would do what was claimed? Then, after use for a short period of time, you’re totally convinced you did it once again…..bought something that doesn’t even come close to doing what it claimed.  Well, there are some exceptionally good products that have been created as a result of new science and technology that are turning the anti aging world on its head. Be sure to read and verify the small print….save some money…..get the results you deserve.

Tip3: Try the products. I know this is a “no brainer”, but once you’ve found a product that claims to do what you’re looking for and you’ve been able to verify the lofty claims of renewing your skin, give it a try. If it’s as good as represented, I’m confident the product will be backed by a great guarantee, which should help take any risk out of the equation.

As a result of new science and modern technology, there are new products developed that not only treat the signs of aging (wrinkles, fine lines, dry and sagging skin), but actually address the source of aging…our genes. This process actually renews or revives our age related genes literally reversing the signs of aging, bringing us much closer to that illusive “fountain of youth”.

For more helpful advice and information be sure and download a free copy of my report “How New Science is Rocking the Anti-Aging World?” visit: